Monday, July 31, 2006

Another Fire... turns to Haz-Mat

CHFD responded to a report of a working structure fire on Westchester Rd Sunday evening. While responding, additional 911 calls were received reporting heavy smoke from the building. First due ET 1-28 arrived reporting a 2 story commercial w/ smoke showing. The engine crew forced a door and quickly advanced a line deep into the first floor. Ladder 1-28 arrived and assumed the first due truck assignment performing searches of the first and second floors and opening up. A fire of unknown fuel was found in a large industrial part washer in the rear of the structure. Due to the high volume of chemicals, lage volume of acrid smoke and apparent containment of the 'fire', the decision was made to notify DEP and assume Haz-Mat tactics. Decon was established (Thank You Marlborough FD)and defensive tactics were deployed while assisting DEP Haz-Mat teams mitigate the hazardous situation. Car 628 had command of the incident (fine job...for an EMS boss!)
LT. Papp


Sunday, July 30, 2006

Morning Alarm Turns to Structure Assignment

CHFD volunteers responded to a report of an automatic alarm at Colchester Intermediate School. ET 1-28 arrived on scene with nothing showing from the exterior "A" side however upon gaining access had an odor and slight haze. The crew then split and performed a rapid search and were greeted with a nice bit of thick smoke upon opening up the basement access. A small fire contained to the large industrial water heater was found. Utilities were controlled, ventilation was performed and the 1:1 (Engine & Truck) assignment was held for mop up. Units: ET 1-28, L 1-28, Car 2

On a side note: This is the third automatic alarm in as many weeks that has yielded an actual fire. Always be prepared to go to work!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

New SCBAs get a workout on first day of service

Friday (1am): 1 Car into a tree, Rescue 1 door pop & extrication
Friday Afternoon: Busy series of runs for ET 128 crew. All started with an alarm followed by a working car fire on Chestnut Hill Rd. As the engine was returning, they were sent to a working structure fire on South Road. ET-3 (covering Marlborough's station, led in by LT. Albert) was first due and made a great stop on an advancing basement fire fueled by a burnt through propane line. ET-1 split its crew and assisted in ventilation efforts. Luckily, ET-1 was then able to make it back to Station 28 without any additional runs to swap bottles, refuel and most importantly, grab dinner!
Saturday Day Ambulance Shift: Today's duty crew as well as a second ambulance crew have covered 7 runs from 6am-noon. You guys didn't have anything else to do today, did you? Thanks for your efforts!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

What a Week....

Bottom line, there has been no shortage of action for Colchester Volunteers this past week with several major accidents and fires. Major Highlights:

Route 2 MVA w/ ejection & traumatic arrest: Rescue 1 arrived to find multiple rollovers with numerous patients, one ejected,cardiac arrest.

Route 2 MVA w/ entrapment & Lifestar: Rescue 1 arrived to find 2 car MVA, 1 PT entrapped in vehicle w/ serious injuries. Rescue 1 made quick work of a tricky pin job and had PT transfered to Lifestar in quick time.

Task Force activation to Windsor Locks Mill Fire: Engine 1-28, staffed w/ 5 was dispatched to Windsor Locks to assist with a major mill fire. The boys were put to work upon arrival providing supression efforts for almost 5 hrs.

Working Commercial Building Fire: CHFD arrived minutes after being dispatched to a fire alarm at a commercial tax payer. First due arriving Engine 1-28 reported smoke on arrival and went to work locating the fire. The fire was quickly located by the search team who were able to hold the advancing fire in check until arrival of the Engine company. Other units opened up and provided ventilation of adjoining businesses. CHFD's quick response and aggressive attack can be credited to preventing a major incident.

And, I can't forget about giving credit to our EMS friends. CHFD has been running 7-9 calls per day steady this month and unofficially, have had at least one call during the midnight -6am hour shift for almost 14 straight days. No rest for these dedicated volunteers!! Thanks to all who dedicate themselves to providing the best emergency service needs to its citizens.
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